I’m a business owner just like you.

Just like you. I am sick of all the harassing calls, the junk mail, the spam in my in-box. That’s why I am dedicating this section of my site to helping fellow business owners with a reliable way to collect their money!!

Get your FREE ERC Rebate Quote now!

What is Employee Retention Credit?

The ERC is a generous incentive program designed to help business owners recover from the pandemic. You need help to apply.

  • Up to $26,000 per employee

  • Available for 2020 & Q1-Q3 2021

  • Qualify w/ Decreased Revenue

  • Qualify w/ Supply Chain Issues

  • Qualify if social distancing or other government restrictions limited your business

  • NO limit on funding (my buddy got $789,000 and other owner have gotten much more!)

  • Not a loan - Don’t need to pay it back!!

  • ERC is a refundable Tax Credit

Too good to be true? Check out the IRS page here

The program does not last forever! Don’t wait! Fill out the form now! Here

My Linkedin here

My business’s site www.fossiloutdoor.com


“The industry around ERC is predatory. I am simply here to share what worked for me and my friends with business owners who NEED this money.”


Using this service is easy. It integrates naturally with your payroll software and they have dedicated staff to walk you through any issues you may have


ERC Specialists have processed billions of dollars in ERC. They do not try to pass they buck to you with fancy contract verbiage. They are an actual tax preparer. Check them out here


From the time that you fill out the form to the time they file your paperwork it takes about three days. This is MUCH faster than the other services.


Versus your CPA they will get you the highest refund possible. This is all they do so they have the system figured out and have successfully collected on Billions of dollars worth of refunds.


Predatory firms wanted me to pay big fees up front. With no promise that I would actually get a return. With this company you can pay AFTER you get paid.


Relative to other predatory firms, this firms fees are reasonable. 15% after your get paid by the IRS - or - 10% if you pay upon filing.

Recommend to a Friend

Like I said in the video up top. I partnered with ERC Specialists. That means I get an affiliate income for each person I send their way. Have friends or family that can benefit from this program? Sweet. Sign-up to be an affiliate yourself and get paid for helping them out! Click the button to register.